It’s August 4th

August 4th is the anniversary of Britain’s entry into the First World War, and, thus, the anniversary for Canada and the rest of the British Empire that existed back then.  So it’s an appropriate day to highlight our latest post in our centennial series on  Here’s the reference:

  • Sarah Glassford, Christopher Schultz, Nathan Smith, Jonathan Weier, “A View from the (Editing) Trenches: Summer 2016 and the Challenges of (Knowledge) Mobilization,” 2 August 2016,, Series Wants You - Poster copy

In our piece we reflect on where we have been in the past two years, how this resonates with First World War history in some surprising ways, and we consider where we might be headed.  There is some news about our editorial team, and this nifty promotional poster.


You can download the poster from the post, or from right here.



Nathan Smith, “It’s August 4th,” 4 August 2016,,